I’m Going to Miss Her


I'm Going To Miss Her (1)

By the time you read this I’ll be over it. It will be the new normal. But as I write this it’s T-minus-two-days until my firstborn starts First Grade. And since our school district (which I love, love, love, by the way) only offered free half-day Kindergarten last year, this will be the first time that she’s away from home for an entire school day. Waaah. I’m sad.

And yet, I probably have no right to be. My girl and I have had a lucky nearly seven years of togetherness. Not only did she do half-day Kindergarten, but even that was delayed an extra year given her on-the-cusp birthday (you can read about why we waited on Kindergarten here). We’ve been spoiled really.

But still. All school day, every day, she’ll be gone. Off learning, socializing, becoming. Me and little brother with lots of time to kill and no live-in playmate. So weird. Sigh. And since I’m feeling slightly teary and nostalgic, here are some things I’m going to miss about having her home most of the day.

  • Her mid-morning dance performances in front of the TV
  • Her shocking ability to create cool costumes for herself out of outgrown old clothes
  • Her top-of-the-lungs car singing
  • Holding her hand during daily errands
  • Watching her effortlessly engage other kids in imaginative play at the park or rec center
  • Knowing there is another pair of surprisingly vigilant eyes out there making sure little brother doesn’t get himself into trouble
  • Lazy morning wake-ups snuggling on her bed
  • Our standard Friday lunch outings to Dairy Queen, where she orders her favorite–chicken fingers with a side of vanilla ice cream for dipping
  • Impromptu morning trips to Inniswood Metro Gardens, where she searches for fairies, frogs, and giants and warns her little brother to be on the lookout for Bigfoot
  • Just hearing her voice most of the day, even if it is usually asking me endless questions

Ok, enough wallowing. And as I said, by the time you read this I’ll be fine. Fine! But right now I’m simultaneously excited for and dreading the moment that big yellow bus pulls up for the first time, whisking her off to a world that is completely her own. The first of many such moments, I know. But each time the refrain. I’m going to miss her.

Do you have a child going to starting school full-time? What are you going to miss the most?

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Erin grew up in San Antonio, Texas, and prior to her arrival in Columbus ten years ago, had seen snow only once in her life (when she was five years old). Due to this early lack-of-snow trauma, she has become a compulsive coat and jacket hoarder. Or maybe she's just a real Midwesterner now. Erin has a career past in PR, Marketing and Communications and is currently a stay-at-home mom to a Kindergartner girl and preschooler boy. She has dreams of freelancing now that both kids are out of diapers. She also has dreams of buying a sheep farm in Nova Scotia, but the former is much more likely. Erin's husband is from Derbyshire in England. He has never read Pride and Prejudice, but possibly saw one of the movie versions in school. Erin and her family enjoy not taking long road trips (Driving to Florida? Really?!), entertaining friends at home, and ordering everything through Amazon Prime. As an individual, Erin enjoys walking, listening to WCBE but never pledging (actually she did pledge once and knows she should do it again and promises she will next year), and spending too much time on Facebook. She and her family live in Westerville. You can contact her at [email protected].