20 Things to Remember About Your One-Year-Old


I am One!


  1. When big kids are on swings, they are magnetic, pulling me closer until I get a foot in the face. Ouch!
  2. If you want to pick me up, you’ll need to catch me first. I don’t run like a penguin.
  3. What? I had no idea that I was carrying a pocket knife in one hand and a stale cookie that I found under the sofa in the other. Amazing what these little, chubby fingers of mine can find.
  4. Come catch me again! Waddle, waddle.
  5. I am the cutest cherub. Round cheeks, soft skin, chubby legs! How can I resist grabbing the mirror to touch myself with my sticky fingers?
  6. Stop kissing my pillowy cheeks. Don’t you see I have an entire world to conquer in three hours before nap-time?
  7. Rip, another page torn from my favorite Richard Scary book. I don’t want to take a nap!
  8. Look at all that dirt in the flower pot. Climbing the stairs, I must grab handfuls now.
  9. What? You have Cheerios for a snack? Coming. Wait, why was I climbing the stairs, again?
  10. Walking around is so much fun. Now I know what bumper cars feel like. So many objects to run into. Chairs, tables, couches, and moving targets like people.
  11. I know it may seem like I have no destination in mind, especially when I knock into everything. I do know where I want to go, but five seconds later, I forget.
  12. Please don’t get mad at me when I kick you or run into the street. I need you to keep me safe.
  13. Do I have to fetch Aunt Myrtle’s keys again? I know it’s cute to watch me and clap. But I’m not a dog.
  14. I run away from you, dump things and throw toys in the toilet. Yet, I’m still so adorable. Just look at my angelic smile.
  15. My favorite, spaghetti! I always wanted long noodle hairs and a bowl hat.
  16. Uh oh, peez oben mo pa-etti. Tank you. Why can’t you understand me?
  17. I wish I could tell you that I want to play with the trains for five more minutes. No, no don’t pick me up! I need choo choo.
  18. At least let me climb this curb one more time, I know I can, I know I can! Tumble.
  19. Remember you can’t determine who I will be. Please just support me. I am a treasure and a joy.
  20. When I let you hold me, hold me tight and close. My independence will only grow with every step I take.

How to help your child

  1. Running away. Do your best to remain calm and give your one-year-old’s behavior minimal influence over you.
    • Of course, if your one-year-old is running into a street it is necessary to quickly run to pick him up.
    • If running for the sake to run, remind your one-year-old how fast he is.
    • Say, “Let’s see how quick you can run to mommy. I bet you can’t catch up to me.”
    • Keep in mind that your one-year-old does not yet understand safety. One word responses such as “danger”, “cars”, “stop at line” to remind your budding adventurer to be safe.
  2. General Safety. Keep sharp objects, small objects, valuables, cleaning supplies and medicines out of reach or locked up. Always supervise your one-year-old around water.
  3. Playing. It is typical for one-year-olds to continue to play by themselves and grab toys from other children that are in reach. Have toys available for playmates when possible and redirect your child to another activity. Playing games such as naming body parts, simple puzzles and shape sorters are entertaining for one-year-olds.
  4. Grandparents. Remind your one-year-old’s grandparents that she is naturally egocentric and not to take her lack of interest too personal. Your one-year-old wants to explore and grab. Your one-year-old loves her grandparents and by the time she is two-years-old she will be interested in interacting more.
  5. Temper Tantrums. Temper tantrums typically occur when there are other people around, such as stores, which can be embarrassing for parents.
    • Validate feelings by getting down low and saying, “You are mad. You are very mad.” It is typical for your one-year-old to have a temper tantrum to express his feelings because she doesn’t have other skills yet. Allow your child to have these feelings.
    • Extend hands for a hug if your one-year-old is ready.
  6. Redirection and Distractions. One-year-olds do not fully grasp the concept of “no” except for they can get all kinds of reactions and attention from adults, which is why distraction and redirection works well. Redirecting your one-year-old toward a different toy or distracting her by singing a song together is worth it to have fun and avoid a tantrum.
  7. Valuable items. Now is not the time to teach about not touching valuable objects. They poke at other children and grab, not understanding that they are people, and not inanimate objects. What makes you think that they know the difference of value.
  8. Language. Keep words short and simple.
  9. Control the environment. Control the environment to keep your one-year-old safe rather than disciplining and using time-outs. Your child does not understand how to obey you, especially being in the “no” stage.
  10. Take good care of yourself. You are an amazing parent!

To find out more about one-year-olds click here. To learn more about what to expect from a two-year-old, read this: 20 Things to Remember About Your Two-Year-Old.